Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Everyone needs to be given equal opportunities, regardless...

Everyone needs to be given equal opportunities, regardless of their cultural or ethnic backgrounds. Early childhood teachers have an important role in understanding, and establishing the concepts of critical multiculturalism and intercultural pedagogy to children and families attending their centres. The Treaty of Waitangi, signed between Maori chiefs and the British Crown, is the founding document that established New Zealand as a bicultural state (Lee, Carr, Soutar, Mitchell, 2013); however, migration has resulted in the state fast becoming a multiethnic one (Metge, 1990). Initially, migrants came from various states of Britain (Philips, 2013, a). However, from the mid-1960s, the prospect of better job opportunities attracted people†¦show more content†¦According to May and Slater (2010), such tokenistic attitudes contributes to liberal multiculturalism. Liberal multiculturalism is about tolerating the ethnicity, linguistic differences (p.4) and cultural differences of th e minority culture (May Slater, 2010). While it is easily implemented, it contributes to inequality and does not consider the minority culture as equals to the dominant culture (May Slater, 2010). It is only through a deeper understanding and awareness of the different cultural values, can quality multiculturalism be embraced. Otherwise, the actions only serve to perpetuate the stereotypical views of ethnic groups (Chan 2009, p. 30). On the other hand, the concept of critical multiculturalism is about looking critically from the perspective of institutional racism and oppression that exists in the dominant Pakeha culture (Chan, 2009). Critical multiculturalism establishes, and advocates social justice for all concerned (Nieto, 1999, cited by Chan, 2009). In order for this to happen, early childhood educators need to start by first recognizing and addressing their own cultural identity, in order that they may be able to see, understand, and appreciate the cultural and ethnic diversity in others (Rhedding-Jones, 2010). This idea is further reinforced by Ponciano and Shabazian, (2012) who state that only through such self-reflection, and personal interactions with the various cultures, canShow MoreRelatedThe Five Dimensions Of Multicultural Education955 Words   |  4 Pagesand group disapproval of injustice, oppression, and exploitation† (Taba Van Til, 1945, p. 278). Allowing students to learn and discover the different contributions of other cultures opens the door for discussion of daily tensions and issues that need to be solved. 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This is regardless of the individual’s ethnic background, language, culture, faith, gender, age, sexual orientation or any other aspectRead MoreTda 2.4 Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Work with Children and Young People1458 Words   |  6 Pagesand young people The current legislative framework protecting the equal rights of all children and young people are stated in the United Nation’s Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989). These rights are extensive, including the right to education and the right for children and young people to have their views respected. The Children Act 1989 sets out the duty of local authorities to provide services according to the needs of all children and young people. Every Child Matters (ECM) is a UKRead MoreRace, Racism and My Community Essay1461 Words   |  6 Pagesconsideration relations, experiences, and opinions on cultural diversity derived from living most of my life in the community of Malibu Groves as well as the environment of which I am a part and the leaders in my community. Discussing race among people and community relations is not an easy thing to do. Based on one’s background race can be a tremendously significant part of one’s life. At first glance, it is not easy to see the cultural diversities in my community. One cannot tell by the housesRead MoreTraining and Development for a Diverse Workforce’2099 Words   |  9 Pagesand keep talented employees through such opportunities. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

Louis the Fourteenth and Western Civilization Essay

In today’s American society, the every day lives and routines of American citizens are impacted, affected, and ruled by the government. By studying the lives of people beginning in eighteenth century France, it is easy to see how the ruling government system impacts the everyday lives and routines of it‘s citizens. It is also easy to compare this society to the European civilization under the rule of Napoleon I, the American civilization under the rule of Woodrow Wilson, and Adolf Hitler. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;During the time period of King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette is used today to represent the turmoil a country can experience with dire rule. In eighteenth century France, the subjects of the King and Queen were divided into†¦show more content†¦Most of them were educated individuals that compiled their wealth by trade and industry. â€Å"As the wealth and power had increased, they had sent their sons into posts of state administration, magistracy, the financial system, the high clergy, and the army† (Godechot 68). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;To be in the highest class, one had to be born into it. This four percent of the population was known as the Noble class. The class was broken into two estates: the first estate and the second estate. They were the hierarchy of the church and well respected church officials. The second estate made up the other three percent and included the Royal family and other wealthy families that had inherited most of their income (Lough 98-105). Although these were the richest people in the country, they were exempted from taxes and tariffs. Even more outlandish, even though these people represented only four percent of the population, they made up approximately sixty percent of the government. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;One of the most important factors to consider during this time period is the reign of Louis XIV. His idea of the monarchy was one of the reasons why the French government had failed and created turmoil for the citizens of France. Louis XIV enjoyed the royal life very much and very fervently. He spent more of his reign enjoying himself and his life rather than ruling the country.Show MoreRelatedCharacteristics Of The Italian Renaissance1299 Words   |  6 Pagesin Italy, the Renaissance was an era that rediscovered the culture of ancient Greece and Rome in the fourteenth century and witnessed a continuation of the economic, political, and social trends. Jacob Burck-hardt, a swiss historian and art critic, created the Renaissance in his celebrated book The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy, and published in 1860. He portrayed Italy in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries as the birthplace of the modern world and saw the revival of antiquity, theRead M oreThe Period Of Rome And Greece1467 Words   |  6 Pagesto property owners. The quantity of land accessible to peasant families for agriculture varied significantly. In the early fourteenth century, as the population grew, agricultural lands were constantly subdivided (a process known as Morseling), but after the plague of Black Death the practice was annulled, and lands were once again merged into larger allotments. 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Indeed, that was the original reason for attempting to collect death statistics. It was also known that these factors interacted: the fourteenth-century story-tellers in Boccaccio’s Decameron had left Florence to lessen their chance of being infected by the plague. Wrigley and Schofield (1981: end pullout) show that in England the great mortality peaks did not recur after the middle of theRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 PagesBuhle, eds., The New Left Revisited David M. Scobey, Empire City: The Making and Meaning of the New York City Landscape Gerda Lerner, Fireweed: A Political Autobiography Allida M. 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On the journey to his mothers house in Cleveland, Ohio, he recognized he was back in his native land when a white man in the trains diner car refused to eat at the same table with him, and a fountain clerk in St. Louis refused to serve him a soft drink. He dealt with these slights the way he would his entire life: He turned away quietly. But Langston decided that instead of running away from the color line and hating himself for being black, like his father had

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Hkhkhk Free Essays

Topic:4Saving and Investment Definition and Kinds of Investment; Autonomous and Induced etc. Determinants of investment. Present Value Criteria for Investment. We will write a custom essay sample on Hkhkhk or any similar topic only for you Order Now Investment Demand and Output Growth. Tobin’s Q-Theory. Lags in Investment Demand. Derivation of IS-curve, Shape of IS-curve. Volatility of Investment. Investment Demand and Fiscal Policy. Shifts in Investment Demand Curve and output determination. Topic:5 Money Market: The Demand and Supply of Money Money Demand and its Determinants, Regressive Expectation Model. Portfolio Balance Approach, Empirical Estimation of Income and Interest Elasticities. Supply of Money, Determinants of Money Supply. Measurement of Money Supply and its implications, Instruments of Monetary Policy. Interest Sensitivity of Money Supply. Quantity Theory of Money and its Critical Review. Fischer effect, Money, Prices and Inflation. Derivation of LM Curve and its Slope. LM Curve and Money Market Equilibrium. Interaction of IS-LM and Equilibrium. Topic:6. Aggregate Demand, Supply and Stabilization Policy Keynesian Models: Liquidity Trap. Effectiveness of Policy and Price Rigidity. Slope of Aggregate Supply and Demand Curves. Liquidity Trap. Grand Aggregate Demand Curve. Interaction of IS-LM and Determination of output: Short-run and Long-run analysis: Aggregate Demand and Supply and their Slopes. Slope of IS-LM in Short-run and Long-run. Vertical / Horizontal Shapes of these Curves. Classical and Keynesian Models. Shocks to Aggregate Demand and Supply and Stabilization Policy. Supply Side Economics. Stagflation and Stabilization Policies, Shocks to IS-LM and its Outcomes and Policy Implications. Short-run – Long-run Philip Curves. Long-run and Vertical Aggregate Supply Curve. Ineffectiveness of Keynesian Policies, Technical Change and Shift in Vertical Aggregate Supply Curve. Part B: Topic:7. Open Economy and Macroeconomic Stabilization Exchange Rates and their Determinants: Mundell – Fleming Model (MFM): Small open Economy with perfect Capital Mobility. IS-LM: Goods and Money Market. Small Open Economy, Floating Exchange Rate and Fiscal Policy. Fixed Exchange Rate and Fiscal Policy. Flexible and Managed Exchange Rates. Monetary Policy, Devaluation and Recovery from great depression. Trade Policy: Mundell-Fleming Model (MFM) with changing Price Level. MFM and large open Economy. Depreciation and its impacts. Income Absorption Approach and exchange Adjustment and Balance of Payment. Topic:8. Labor Market, Price Expectation and Unemployment Demand and Supply of Labour, Equilibrium in the Labour Market. The Sticky Wage Model, Insider-Outsider Models. The Workers – Misperception Model, The Imperfect – Information Model, The Sticky Price Model. Rational Expectation (RE), Adaptive Expectations, RE and Painless Disflation, Hysteresis and challenge to Natural rate Hypothesis. Topic:9. Macroeconomic Policy Debate Policy Actions: Active or Passive, Ignorance, Expectations and the Lucas Critique. Conduct of Policy: Rule vs. Discretion, Distrust of Policy makers and Political Process. Macroeconomics Policy: Rules for Fiscal Policy, making Policy in uncertain World. Seignorage and Inflation: What can Policy Accomplish? Monetarists vs. Activists debate. Phillips Curve: Short run and Long run analysis. The expectation augmented Phillips Curve. Money Inclusion and output. Short Run and Long Run Adjustment. Perfect Foresight and Adjustment. Topic:10. Government Debt and Budget Deficit The size of Government Debt, Measurement Problem: Inflation, Capital Assets, Business Cycle etc. Ricardian view of Debt: Ricardian Equivalence, Consumers and Future Taxes. Tax shooting, Delayed Stabilization, Ricardo and Ricardian Equivalence and Debate. Model of Debt Crises. Topic:11. Economic Fluctuation and Its Sources The Theory of Real Business Cycles: Interpretation: Labor Market, Technology Shocks. Household Behaviour, the persistence of output Fluctuations. Limitations of the Model. The Challenges:What we know and what we don’t know? Long-run and Country’s Capacity to Produce. Short-run and influence of Aggregate Demand. Random Walk Model. What Determines Inflation Rate, Unemployment Rate and Output Growth? Can we revise Natural Rate of Output? Should we stabilize the Economy? The cost of Inflation? The problem of Budget Deficit? Topic:12. Long-Term Growth and Full Employment †¢ Basic Neo-Classical Growth Model and Equilibrium Capital / Output Ratio, Wage – Profit Relative Shares. †¢ Neo-Classical Model with Technical Progress: ? Capital Embodied Technical Progress. ? Neutral Disembodied Technical Progress. ? Labor-Augmenting Disembodied Technical Progress. †¢ Kaldor Saving Function and Neoclassical Production Function. †¢ Golden Rule and Optimal Growth Models. †¢ New Growth Theory / Endogenous Growth. Recommended Books: 1. Branson, William H. , (1979), Macroeconomic Theory and Policy, Harper and Row Publishers, New York / London. 2. Branson, William H. , and Litvack James M. , Macroeconomics*, (Latest Edition), Princeton University. 3. Glahe, Fred R. , (Latest Edition), Macroeconomics, Theory and Policy, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Inc. 5. Mankiw, Gregory N. , (2000) Macroeconomics*, Worth Publishers, New York. 6. Peel D. and Minfow P. , (2002). Advance Macroeconomics, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, U. K. 7. Romer, David, (2001). Advanced Macroeconomics*, McGraw Hills, New York / London. 8. Sargent, Thomas J. (1988) Rational Expectations and Inflation*, Harper and Raw Publishers, New York / London. 9. Rosalind Leveic and Alexander Reborens, Macro-economics: An Introduction to Keynesian Neo-Classical Controversies; Macmillan (Latest edition). 10. Denison, Edward F. 1985. Trends in American Economic Growth, 1929-1982. Washington: The Brookings Institution. *Strongly Recommended Additional Reading Material / Res earch Papers: 1. Ball, Laurence, Mankiw, N. Gregory, and Romer, David. 1988. â€Å"The New Keynesian Economics and the Output-Inflation Tradeoff. † Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, No. , 1-65, Reprinted in Mankiw and Romer (1991). 2. Barro, Robert J. 1976. â€Å"Rational Expectations and the Role of Monetary Policy. † Journal of Monetary Economics 2 (January): 1-32. 3. Barro, Robert J. 1989. â€Å"Interest-Rate Targeting. † Journal of Monetary Economics 23 (January): 3-30. 4. Barro, Robert, J. , and Gordon, David B. 1983b. â€Å"Rules, Discretion and Reputation in a Model of Monetary Policy. † Journal of Monetary Economics 12 (July): 101-121. Reprinted in Persson and Tabellini (1994). 5. Bernheim, B. Douglas. 1987, â€Å"Ricardian Equivalence: An Evaluation of Theory and Evidence. NBER Macroeconomics Annual 2: 263-304. 6. Blanchard, Olivier J. 1984. â€Å"The Lucas Critique and the Volcker Deflation. † American Economic Review 74 (May): 211- 215. 7. Fischer, Stanley. 1993. â€Å"The Role of Macroeconomic Factors in Growth. † Journal of Monetary Economics 32 (December): 485-512. 8. Friedman, Milton, 1968. â€Å"The Role of Monetary Policy†. American Economic Review 58 (March): 1-17. 9. Genberg, Hans. 1978. â€Å"Purchasing Power Parity under Fixed and Flexible Exchange Rates. † Journal of International Economics 8 (May): 247-276. 10. Long, John B. , and Plosser, Charles I. 983. â€Å"Real Business Cycles. † Journal of Political Economy 91 (February): 39-69. 11. Mankiv, G. , N. (1990), A quick Refresher Course in Macroeconomics, Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XXVIII, 1645-60. 12. Romer, Christina D. 1999. â€Å"Changes in Business Cycles: Evidence and Explanations. † Journal of Economic Perspectives 13 (spring): 23-44. 13. Romer, Paul M. 1990. â€Å"Endogenous Technological Change. † Journal of Political Economy 1998 (October, Part 2): S71-S102. Paper 3. MATHEMATICAL ECONOMI CS Topic 1:The Nature of Mathematical Economics Ingredients of mathematical models. Derivations: Equation of a straight line and its forms: Two point, intercept, point slope and slop intercept. Types of functions: constant, polynomial, rational, non-algebraic. Relationships and functions. Indices their rules. Functions of more than two independent variables. Logarithms the rules of logarithms. Topic 2:Equilibrium Analysis in Economics A linear partial equilibrium market model. The effect of an excise tax in a competitive market. Non linear market model. General Market Equilibrium. Equilibrium in a linear National Income Model. Topic 3:Linear Models and Matrix Algebra Theory of matrix multiplication. Laws of matrix operations. Types of matrices: Square, identity, null, idempotent, diagonal, transpose and their properties. Conditions for non singularity of a matrix. Minors and cofactors. Determinant its properties. Solution of linear equations through Gaussian method, Cramer’s rule and Inverse of a matrix method. Properties of inverse of a matrix. Use of matrix approach in market national income models. Topic 4:Input-Output Analysis Input-output model, its structure and its derivation. The use of input output model in Economics. Topic 5:Differentiation Rules of differentiation. Differentiation of a function of one variable. Sum-difference, product, quotient, chain, power, inverse, logarithmic exponential functions Combinations of rules. Higher order derivatives. Economic applications of derivative. Concept of maxima minima, elasticity and point of inflection. Profit revenue maximization under perfect competition, under monopoly. Maximizing excise tax revenue in monopolistic competitive market, Minimization of cost etc. Topic 6:Partial Total Differentiation Partial differentiation its rules. Higher order cross partial derivatives (young’s theorem). Total differential total derivatives. Implicit functions rule of differentiation. Optimizing cubic functions their economic application. Topic 7:Economic Applications of Partial Total Differentiation Comparative static analysis: a linear Partial equilibrium market model, a linear National Income model. Partial elasticities. Production functions Analysis. Maximization Minimization of unconstrained functions their economic applications: Profit maximization by a multi-product firm under perfect Competition monopoly, Price discrimination, Multi-plant monopoly, input decisions etc. Topic 8:Optimization: Constrained Extrema Free and constrained optimization, extrema of a function of two variables: graphical analysis, Lagrange method. Utility maximization Cost minimization. Homogenous Production function, Cobb Douglas Production function. Jaccobian determinants. CES Production Function. Translof Function. Topic 9:Linear Programming Ingredients of linear Programming. Graphical approach, simplex method, economic application of linear programming. Concept of primal dual. Duality theorems. Solving of Primal via dual. Economic interpretation of a dual. Recommended Books: 1. Chiang, A. C. , Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics, McGraw Hills, (Latest Edition). 2. Baumol W. J. , Economic Dynamics, Macmillan, (Latest edition). 3. Budnick, Frank, Applied Mathematics for Business, Economics and Social Sciences. 4. Dowling E. T. , Mathematics for economists, Schum Series (latest edition). 5. Weber E. Jean, Mathematical Analysis, Business and Economic Applications (Latest Edition) Harper and Row Publishers, New York. Paper 4. STATISTICS FOR ECONOMISTS Topic 1:Introduction Descriptive and inferential statistics; Variable and constant, population and sample, parameter and statistic; The four basic activities in statistics: Designing a plan for data collection, Exploring the data, Estimating an unknown quantity, Hypothesis testing; Type of measurement scales: Nominal, Ordinal, Interval and Ratio; Types of data: Univariate, Bivariate and Multivariate data, Primary and secondary data, Quantitative data and qualitative data, Time series, Cross-sectional and pooled data; Significant digits and rounding off numbers; Errors: Biased and unbiased. Topic 2:Presentation of Data and Measure of Central Tendency Introduction; Classification; Tabulating numerical data: The frequency distribution, The cumulative frequency distribution, The relative frequency distribution, The percentage frequency distribution; Graphic and diagrammatic representation: Bar chart, Pie chart, Histograms, Frequency curves and Histo-grams; Histograms by Hand: Stem-and-leaf. Measure of central tendency; Introduction; Types of Averages: Mean: Arithmetic mean, Geometric mean, Harmonic mean, Trimmed mean and Winsorized mean; Quintiles: Median, Quartiles, Deciles, Percentiles; The mode; Box plot and detailed box plot; Empirical relation between Mean, Median and Mode; The cumulative distribution function: Finding the percentile ranking for a given number, Finding the percentile for a given percentage; Summary measures and type of data. Topic 3:Measures of Dispersion, Skewness and Kurtosis Absolute and relative measure of dispersion; Different measures of dispersion: The Range, Quartile deviation, Mean deviation, Variance and standard deviation: Definition and interpretation of variance and standard deviation, Computation of variance and standard deviation, Step deviation method or coding method, Coefficient of variation, Standardized variable, Properties of standard deviation and variance; Skewness: Karl Pearson’s coefficient of skewness, Bowley’s coefficient of skewness; Kurtosis. Topic 4:Probability and Probability Distribution A survey of probability concepts: Classical probability, Empirical concept, Subjective probability; Some rules of probability: Rules of addition, Rules of multiplication; Tree diagrams; Conditional Probability, Bayes Theorem; Counting rules: The multiplication formula, The permutation formula, The combination formula. Discrete probability distribution, Random variables, Discrete random variable, Continuous random variable; The mean, variance and standard deviation of a probability distribution; Binomial probability distribution, and its computation. Cumulative probability distributions, Properties of Binomial probability distribution. The normal probability distributions: Properties of normal distribution, Applications of the standard normal distribution, Areas under the normal curve, Finding areas under the normal curve; The normal approximation to the binomial; Continuity correction factor. Topic 5:Survey Sampling and Sampling Distributions Sampling the population, Advantages of sampling, Representative samples, Sample design and sample survey, Sampling frame, Probability and non-probability sampling, Sampling with and without replacement, Sampling and non-sampling error, sampling bias; Probability sampling and non-probability sampling methods; Sampling distribution of the mean; The central limit theorem; Sampling distribution of differences between means; Sampling distribution of sample proportion; Sampling distribution of differences between proportions. Topic 6:Estimation and Confidence Intervals Point estimates and confidence intervals; Estimation by confidence interval: Confidence interval estimate of a population mean (Known Variance), Confidence interval estimate of a population mean (Unknown Variance) Confidence interval for differences of means, Confidence interval for differences of means; Confidence interval for population proportion, Confidence interval for differences between proportions; One sided confidence interval; Sample size for estimating population mean. Topic 7:Hypothesis Testing One sample test of hypothesis; One Sample; One tail and two tails tests of significance; Testing for a population mean with a known population standard deviation: Two-tailed test, one-tailed test; P-Value in hypothesis testing; Testing for a population mean: Large sample, Population standard deviation unknown; Testing hypotheses about population proportion when sample size is large; Type II error. Testing of two Sample Hypothesis: Population means, Population proportions; comparing populations with small samples. Topic 8:Chi Square Applications Introduction; Goodness-of-fit test: Equal expected frequencies; Goodness-of-fit test: Unequal expected frequencies; Limitations of Chi  square; Using the goodness-of-fit test to test for normality; Contingency Table Analysis. Topic 9:Analysis of Variance Introduction, The F distribution; Comparing two population variances; ANOVA assumptions; ANOVA test; Inferences about pairs of treatment means; Two-way analysis of variance. Topic 10:Simple Linear Regression and Correlation Analysis Scatter diagram; Standard methods for obtaining regression line: (i) Inspection, (ii) Semi average, (iii) Least squares principle; Assumptions underlying linear regression; Measures of variation: Standard error of the estimate, Coefficient of determination; Prediction in Regression Analysis; Interpolation verses extrapolation; Correlation analysis; Scatter diagram; The coefficient of correlation: Properties/characteristic of coefficient of correlation, Correlation and causation; The relationship among the correlation coefficient, the coefficient of determination and the standard error of estimate; Inference about the slope and correlation coefficient; t-test for the slope, F- test for the slope, t-test for correlation coefficient; Estimation of the mean values and predication of individual values; Confidence interval and predication interval estimate; Rank correlation. Topic 11:Multiple Linear Regression and Correlation Analysis Multiple linear regression model, Interpretation of partial regression coefficients; Estimation of multiple linear regression model with two explanatory variables by using Least squares principle, Matrix approach, Deviation form; Pitfalls and problems in multiple regression: Multicollinearity, Variable selection, Model misspecification; Multiple standard error of estimate; Coefficient of multiple determination (adjusted and unadjusted); Evaluating the regression equation: Using a scatter diagram, Correlation matrix, Global test, Individual variable significance test, Qualitative independent variables; Multiple regressions in terms of linear correlation coefficients; Multiple correlation and partial correlation; Nonlinear regression models; Dealing with nonlinear relationship and unequal variability. Topic 12:Applied Statistics Index Numbers, Un-weighted index numbers; Simple aggregative index; Weighted indexes; Laspeyre’s price index, Paaseche’s price index, Marshal- Ed geworth price index; Fisher’s ideal index; Consumer Price Index (CPI), Producer Price Index (PPI), CPI versus GDP Deflator; Issues in constructing and using index numbers; Application of index numbers to business and economics. An overview of time series analysis; Component Factors of the classical multiplication time series model and their estimation: Secular trend; Cyclical variation, Seasonal variation, Irregular variation; Smoothing the annual time series and using it in forecasting: Moving averages, Weighted moving averages, Exponential smoothing; Using trend and seasonal component in forecasting; Time series and forecasting; The multiplicative model, Calculating the seasonal indexes, De-seasonalization the time series, Using deseasonalized time series to identify trend, Seasonal adjustments, Model based on monthly data, Cyclical component; Modeling cyclic behavior using box-Jenkins ARIMA processes; Using regression analysis in forecasting; Qualitative approach to forecasting: Delphi method, Expert judgment, Scenario writing, Intuitive approaches; Choosing an appropriate forecasting model; Some observations on time series analysis. Recommended Text books: 1. Lind, Douglas A. , Marshal, William G. and M ason, Robert D. , Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics (11th edition). Boston: McGraw Hill, 2003. 2. Chaudhry, Sher Mohammad and Kamal, Shahid, Introduction to Statistical Theory (7th edition). Lahore: Ilmi Kitab Khana, 2002. 3. Siegel, Andrew F. , Practical Business Statistics (5th edition). Boston: McGraw Hill, 2003. 4. Newbold, Paul, Carlson, William L. and Thorne, Betty M, Statistics for Business and Economics (5th edition). New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2002. 5. Keller, Gerald and Warrack, Brian, Statistics for Management and Economics (5th edition). Boston: Duxbury Thomson Learning, 2000. Additional Readings: 1. Berenson, Mark L. , Levine, David M. and Krehbiel, Timothy C. , Basic Business Statistics: Concepts and Applications (9th edition). New Jersay: Prentice Hall, 2004. 2. Barron, Michael M. Statistics for Economics Accounting and Business Studies (Latest Edition), New York, Prentice Hall. 3. Carlson, William L. and Thorne, Betty, Applied Statistical Methods for Business Economics and Social Sciences (Latest edition). New Jersey: Prentice Hall. 4. Moore, David S. , The Basic Practice of Statistics (2nd edition). New York: Freeman,2000. Paper 5. ISLAMIC ECONOMICS Note: The instructor concerned may assign additional and latest literature on the subject matter. The references provided at the end of the course are just helping literature. Students must consult additional literature on each topic. Topic 1:Introduction: Islamic Economics i) Nature, and Importance of Islamic Economics. Islamic Economics Versus Economics of Secular Economy and Mixed Economic System. ii) Brief Introduction of Basic Values of Islam; Taqva, Halal and Haram, Justice, Benevolence, Equality, Brotherhood and Cooperation as Determinants of Economic Behaviour and Policies. Topic 2:Major Economic Thoughts: Contribution of Scholars Contribution of some Earlier Muslim Scholars in the Development of Islamic Economics (Imam Abu Yousuf, Imam Abu Ubaid Al Qasim,, Ibn-e-Khaldoon, Imam Ibn-e-Taimiah, Shah Waliullah Dehlvi, Baqar-al-Sadar). Topic 3:Islamic Economic System Silent features of Islamic Economic System; objectives, Economic Freedom, Property and Ownership Rights. The Concept of Equality and Efficiency. The Relative Importance of Capital and Labour. Priority to Basic Needs. Concepts of Ownerships and Implication. Welfare and income Distribution. Comparison of Islamic Economic System with Capitalism and Socialism, with respect to above cited principles / values of Islam. Topic 4:Microeconomics in Islamic Framework The Consumer Behaviour in Islam. Utility, Moderation, optional Consumption Behaviour. Organization of Production and Behavioural Theories of Firms. Objectives and Behaviour of Firm in Islamic Economy. Business Ethics in Production and Marketing. Hoarding and Gains. Market Structure – Monopoly and Competition, Resource Allocation in Islamic Environment and Cartels. Concepts of Fair Trade. Stockists / Wholesales, determination of Prices and Rate of Normal Profit / Meeting of Losses. Price Mechanism and State Role in Regulation of Markets. Topic 5:The Modes of Financing In Islam Modarba and Musharka Types of Bai. (Bai-Salam, Bai Muajjal, Morabaha. ) Saving and Investment in Islam. Investment of Savings for Gains. Topic 6:Distribution in Islamic Economy Islamic Stress on Circulating of Wealth. Steps against Concentration of Wealth. Social Justice in Islam. Rights of Labour, Distributive Justice Use of Land and Other Natural Resources and their Rewards. Role of State in Distribution of Wealth. Topic 7:Some Basic Macroeconomic Concepts Consumption, saving and Investment Functions in Islamic Environment. Determents of Islamic Consumption Function, Concept to Help others, Welfare and Religious believes. Zakat and Usher. Topic 8:Demand and Supply of Money and Banking Gold Money, Paper Money and Credit Money. Western Justification of interest. Islamic Concept of Riba, its Implications and Alternatives. Functions of Commercial Banks in Islamic Framework. Central Banking and Monetary Policy in Islamic Framework. Central Banking and Monetary Policy in Islam. Inflation Vs. Design of Capital Market. Monetary Policy in an Islamic Framework. Topic 9:Zakat, Social Justice and State Meaning of Zakat, Nisab, Introductory Hints about items of Zakat. Distributive Role of Zakat and Social Justice. Zakat as a tool in Fiscal Policy. Economic Role of Islamic State. Welfare consumption and limits. Revenue and Expenditure Items in Modern Islamic States. Beneficiaries of Zakat. The Tax Policy of Islam. Nature and Scope of Fiscal Policy in Islamic State (Taxation Policy). Expenditure Principles. Burden of Taxes. Topic 10:Economic Planning and Development Concepts and Objectives of Economic Development in Islam. Resources for Development. Nature of Economic Planning in Islam. Topic 11:The Islamisation Process In Pakistan The Islamisation of Banks. Implementation of Zakat / Usher in Pakistan. A brief Survey of Changes in Economic Structure and Conditions Since the Holy Prophet (regarding Transport / communication, Business Forms, Production of Goods, Money and Banking). Topic 12:New Emerging Issues and Challenges Current Situation and Proposed Changes. Islamic View of International Economic Institutions and Modes of International Cooperation. Islamic View of Globalization. Quality Identification of Goods, Merits and Trade. Fair Prices Vs. Market Price etc. Books Recommended: Basic Texts: 1. Islamic Economics: Theory and Practice, A Comparatice Study, M. A. Mannan, Cambridge, Hodder and Stoughton, 1986 (or latest ed. ) 2. Islamic Economics: Dar A. H M.. Akram Ilmi Kitab Khana, Lahore (latest ed. 3. Macro Consumption Function in an Islamic Economic Framework, M. Fahim Khan, International Centre for Research In Islamic Economics, King Abdual Aziz Univ, KSA. References: 1. Ahmad, Khurshid, (latest edition), Fiscal Policy and Revenue Allocation in Islam, International Islamic University, Islamabad. 2. Anf A. Q. Mannan M. A. (1995), Developing a System of Financial Instruments IRTI, Islamic Development Bank, Jeddah. 3. Badawi, Imam Abu Abaid Al-Qasim Muhammad A. Zaki, Kitab ul Amwal: , Zakat and Social Justice, Islamic Council of Europe, London, 1979. 4. Chapra T M. , The Economic System of Islam, University of Karachi, 1991. 5. Chapra, Umer, Monetary Policy in an Islamic Economy, in Money and Banking in Islam, Institute of Policy Studies, Islamabad. 6. Ghazanfar S. M. , (2003), Medieval Islamic Economic Thoughts, Routledge Publishers. 7. Khan M. Fahim, (1995), Human Resource Mobilization Through the Profit, Loss Sharing Based Financial System, IRTI, Islamic Development Bank Jeddah. 8. Khan, Tariq ullah, (1996), Practice and Performance of Mudarba, A case study of Pakistan, IRTI, Islamic Development Bank, Jeddah. 9. Khurshid, Ahmad, Elimination of Riba: Institute of Policy Studies, Islamabad. 10. Mahdi, M. Ahmad, (1995), Islamic Banking Modes for House Building Finance, IRTI, Islamic Development Bank, Jeddah. 11. Mannan M. A, (1996), Financing Development in Islam, IRTI, Islamic Development Bank, Jeddah. 12. Naqvi Syed Nawab Hyder Ethics and Economics: . Leicester, The Islamic Foundation. 1981. 13. Nomani, Farhad Rehnuma. , Ali, Islamic Economic Systems: – Zed Books Ltd. , London, 1994. 14. Nuti, D. Haris, (1995), The Economics of Participation, IRTI, Islamic Development Bank, Jeddah. 15. Siddiqui, M. N. , Muslim Economic Thinking, Leicester, The Islamic Foundation. 1985. 16. Tago, Usman, Justice: Introduction to Islamic Finance, (2000), Idara-tul- ma’arif edition. 17. Yusaf , Imam Abu, Kita bur Kharaj, Lahore, Islamic Book Centre, 1979. Paper 6. MAJOR ISSUES IN PAKISTAN ECONOMY Topic 1:Overview of Pakistan Economy Development Experience, Approaches, Policies and Outcomes. Identification of Issues: The era of 1950’s, 1960’s, 1970’s, 1980’s 1990’s and 2000’s. Structural Change and Sources of Growth. Emergence of Economic Issues, Human Resource Development, Unemployment, Poverty, Income Distribution, Debt, Deficit etc. Growth with limited development in Pakistan. Topic 2:Development Planning and Resource Mobilization Agricultural Development Policies and Priorities, Major Targets of Develop Plans and Emerging Issues; Neglects and Successes: Mobilization of Domestic Resources; Shortages, Deficits and Role of Foreign Aid. Agricultural Vs. Industrial Development Debate. Agricultural Adequacy. Topic 3:Agriculture and Industrial Development: Emerging Issues Pattern of Agricultural and Industrial Development, Land Reforms and Its Impacts, the Role of Green Revolution and its Impacts: Present Status. Agricultural Price Policy and Income Tax. Sectoral Terms of Trade. Industrial Development Policies and Strategies. Development of Large and Small Industries. Value Added: Manufacturing Goods Vs. Primary Goods Production. Agriculture Vs. Industry: Development Debate. Topic 4:Sectoral Development, Employment Pattern and Unemployment Sectoral Priorities and Development Issues. Human Resource Development and Emerging Issues: Population Growth, Labor Force Participation Rate and Employment Pattern, Unemployment and Underemployment, Forecasting Manpower Needs and Employment. Strategies to combat unemployment. Criteria to Measure Unemployment / Underemployment: Time Criterion, Productivity Criterion and New Index of Unemployment: Application to Pakistan and Empirical Evidences. Good Goverence, Social Action Plan and its Impact. Role of Institution in Development. Social Sectors development Vs. High Retun Sectors: Growth trade off. Topic 5:International Debt and Dependency Concepts of Foreign Aid and Debt. Borrowing Vs. Domestic Reserve Mobilization (failure). Size of Foreign Debt, Debt Saving and its Impacts. Strategies to combat with High Debt: Saving Policy, Foreign Trade Promotion, Cutting non-development Expenditures, Rescheduling and its Impacts. Debt Management in Pakistan and Its Impacts. Debt Modeling and Future Implications. Topic 6:Poverty and Income Distribution Pattern of Income Distribution: Rural and Urban. Definitions and Approaches to Measure Poverty: Income Approach, Expenditure Approach, Basic Needs Approach, Poverty of Participatory Index (POPI). How to Combat Poverty; Growth Strategy, Basic Needs, Labor Intensive Investment: Education / Training etc. and Social Action Plan (SAP) , its Role and Critical Review, Evasion of Policies / Strategies to Combat Poverty and Improving Income Distribution: Critical Evaluation. Neglect of Human Resource Development. Child Labor. Factors Productivity Issues. Topic 7:Inflation, Foreign Trade Deficit and Emerging Issues Sources of Inflation in Pakistan. Policies to Combat Inflation and their Impacts. Trade Performance, Instability and its Impacts. Policies to Combat Deficit and Trade Instability. WTO and Its Impacts. Reforms and Further Needs. Expected Impacts of WTO and Challenges. Terms of Trade Issues, Market Access and Health Related Rates. Recommended Books: 1. Aslam M. , Perspective on Development Planning In Pakistan, Allied Book Centre, Lahore, 2001-2002. 2. Chaudhary M. Aslam and Ahmad Eatzaz: Globalization, WTO and Trade Liberalization in Pakistan, FerozSons, Lahore (2004). 3. Chaudhary M. Aslam, Human Resource Development and Management in Pakistan, Ferozsons, Lahore (1989). 4. Ishrat Hussain, Pakistan: The Economy at the Gross Roads – Past Policies and Present Imperatives, Oxford Univ. Press, Karachi, 1988. 5. Khan, Shahrukh R. , 50 Years of Pakistan’s Economy – Traditional Topics and Contemporary Concerns. Oxford Univ. Press, Karachi (2000). 6. Mahbool-ul-Haq Centre for Human Development (MHCHD), Poverty Profile of Pakistan, (1989) Oxford University Press. 7. ————– Human Development In South Asia, Annual Report. 8. Saeed, Khawaja Amjad, The Economy of Pakistan, Karachi: Oxford University Press, 2004. 9. Zaidi, Akbar, (1999), Issues in Pakistan Economy, Oxford Univ. , Press, Karachi. 10. World Development Reports, World Bank. (Note:Teacher(s) must assign latest research papers pertaining to each topic) M. A. Part II Paper 1. INTERNATIONAL TRADE THEORY AND FINANCE A)International Trade Theory Topic1. Importance and Bases of Trade Why Study International Economics? The Changing World and Interdependence: Basis of Trade, Gains from Trade. Absolute Advantage, Comparative Advantage, Overview of Comparative Advantage and Pattern of Trade. Offer Curves and Free Trade Equilibrium. Disagreements on Free Trade: Overview of Emergency of International Trade Issues. The Elasticity of Exports Demand and Balance of Payment. Substitution and Income Effects, Impacts of Rise in Exports Demand. Topic 2. Growth and Trade International Trade and Shift in Production Function, Immerizing Growth, Output Growth and Terms of Trade (T. O. T) / Deterioration: Uniform Growth at given T. O. T. The Transfer Problem: Marshall Plan and Transfers, Transfer of Resources: Neutral Case. Topic 3. Technology and Factor Endowment Ricardian Trade Model, World Production and Gains. Comparative Cost and Trade Pattern. National and World Gains from Trade. International Wage differentials and Productivity. Technical Progress and International Gains. WTO and Gains from Technical Progress: Impacts on Prices. Equilibrium Production and Consumption: Non-traded and Tradeables, Costs, Marginal Physical Product and Production Possibilities. Production Possibilities with Diminishing Returns, Increasing Opportunity Cost. Free Trade and Income Distribution, Relative Demand, Supply and Pattern of Trade. Dutch Disease and its application. Topic 4. Factor Endowment and Heckscher – Ohlin Theory Output and Factors Rewards in 2*2 Model. Factor Intensity Comparison. Heckscher- Ohlin (H. O) Model, The Role of Demand, Factor’s Prices and Commodity Prices, Factor Price Equalization, and Factor Intensity Reversal. Newly Industrializing Countries (NIC’s) and Footloose Production Process. NIC’s and H. O Theorem. The Product Cycle, Critical Analysis of Traditional Trade Theories. Rypecksy Theorem and its critical review. Topic 5. Markets, Cartels and International Trade Monopoly and Import Competition, Export Opportunities. Product Differentiation and Monopolistic Competition. Dumping / Discrimination and WTO, Competitiveness and Market Share, Gains from Migration. WTO and Factor’s Movements and the Commodity Movement. Multinationals Firms and Foreign Direct Investment, Transfer of Capital, Technology, Skill and other Gains, Transfer of Resources and Transfer Problem. Topic 6. Tariff, Quota and Trade Policies Tariff and Small Country: Effects of Tariff, Price and Demand for Imports, Welfare impacts. Impacts of Tariff on Government Revenue, T. O. T Production and Welfare. Impact of Tariff on Domestic and World Welfare. The Optimal Tariff. Tariff and Distribution of Income. Brief Introduction of Tariff and WTO Laws, Tariff and Second Best Choice, Subsidies and Quota, Voluntary Quota, Growth with Protection vs. Free Trade Gains and WTO. Managed Trade, Quantitative Restrictions, Voluntary Export Restrictions and Their Impacts. Trade Diversion and Preferential Arrangements. WTO: Injury, Anti-dumping Duties, Tariff and B. O. P Support. Success and Failure of WTO Agenda. B)International Monetary Economics and Finance Topic 7. Foreign Exchange Market and Exchange Rate Determination Foreign Exchange Rates (F. E. R): What it represents? Real, Nominal and Effective Rates. Determinants of Foreign Exchange Rate. Efficient F. E. R Market. Dynamic Theory of Interest and Exchange Rate. The Theory of Spot Exchange Rate Determination. Capital Flow and Speculations. Forward Exchange Market, Interest Arbitrage, Interest Parity Theory, Speculators, Hedgers and Traders, Forward Exchange Rate Policy. Topic 8. Purchasing Power Parity, Exchange Rates and Balance of Payments (B. O. P) Purchasing Power Parity (PPP): Non-Trade Goods, Balance of Payment Effect. Test of Exchange Rate Instability. Impacts of F. E. R. Rate Instability. B. O. P: Income Absorption Approach to B. O. P. Elasticities of Exports and Imports and Impact on B. O. P. The Marshall- Larner Conditions. Monetary Approach to B. O. P. Monetarist Critique to the Keynesian Closed Economy Model. B. O. P. Effects of Stabilization Policies. Empirical Tests of Monetary Approach to the B. O. P. WTO and B. O. P Support. Adjustment with Short-run capital Flow. Methods dealing with undesired Short-run Capital Flow. Topic 9. Open Economy: Monetary and Fiscal Policy Monetary and Fiscal Policies: Internal and External Balance. Monetary and Fiscal Policy with Fixed Exchange Rates. Problems of Small Country: Fixed Exchange Rate, Free Floating Exchange Rate, Managed Exchange Rate and Critical Review of The Fiscal – Monetary Mix Models. Fiscal Policy and Temporary Payment Imbalances. Monetary Policy and Permanent Payments Imbalances, A Random Walk Model of Payment Imbalances. Critical Review of the Modern Theory and Adjustment Mechanism. Topic 10. International Institution: Trade, Capital and B. O. P. Introduction of International Institutions, Role and Major Activities of IMF. IMF Credit Facilities. Loan Mechanism, Value of SDRs. The Optimum Quantity of Reserves, Optimum Interest Rate. Euro-Dollar, Dollar Exchange and Impacts. Role of IMF in B. O. P Support and Stabilization. Topic 11. International Movements of Factors and Welfare: Impacts / Issues Facts on International Capital Flow: ASEAN Crisis and Role of International Institution and Criticism. Motive for Capital Movement: Return and Risk Diversification. Why disagreement on International Movement of Labour? Welfare Impacts of Labour Movements. Factors of Production and Price Equalization Issues. Losses of National Sovereignty. Can Developing Countries Compete and Gain from Trade: Terms of Trade due to Demand Pattern and its Impacts. What Counts for wage Differential Between Primary Goods Producer and Value Added Goods Producer, Competitiveness Issue. WTO: GATT and Emergency of WTO. Why necessary to Join WTO? WTO: Expected Impacts on Trade, Liberalization and B. O. P; Special Status of Developing Countries and Net Food Importing Countries. Protections under WTO Rules. Are Free Trade Gains more than Restricted Trade? Gains for whom; how much and how long? Centre-Periphery Theory. WTO Rules: Sanitary, Phytosanitary, Dumping, Anti-Dumping etc Rules and Emerging New Issues and Their Impacts. Topic 12. Major Contemporary International Economic Issues: WTO: GATT and Emergency of WTO. Why necessary to Join WTO? WTO: Major Trade Rules and Their Expected Impacts on Trade, B. O. P Deficit. WTO and Fair Trade / Free Trade. Free Trade will it be? Issue of â€Å"Are Free Trade Gains more than Restricted Trade†? Emerging Regional Trading, Blocks, Special Preference and their Impacts. Issues relating to the Contributions of International Financial Institutions and Their Evaluations. Is there need to Reform International Institutions? Monetary Integration and Their Impacts. Terms of Trade Issue. International Debt Problem, Growth and Competitiveness. Issues of Developing Countries: Level of Development, Competitiveness and Trade Stability: World Income Distribution and Free Trade. Basic Readings: 1. Caves Richard, E. , and Jones Ronald W. , World Trade and Payments: An Introduction, Latest Editions. Little, Brown and Company, Boston, Toronto. 2. Chacholiades, Miltiades, International Trade Theory and Policy (Latest Edition). McGraw Hill Book Company, New York, London. 3. Donomick Sal Vatore B. , International Economics (Latest Edition), Prentice Hall. 4. Grubel Herbert C. , International Economics, (Latest Edition) Richard D. Irwin Inc. , Honewood, Illinois. 5. Peter Holinder Thomas A. , Pugel. , International Economics. 9th Edition 1996. 6. Sodersten B. and Geoffry Read. , (1994). International Economics, MacMillan Press Ltd. 7. The Global Competitiveness, Report 1999, World Economic Forum, Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York. 8. World Bank. World Development Report, 1986. Oxford University Press. Additional Readings: 1. Baldwin Robert L. and Richardson David J. , (1986). International Trade and Finance, Little Brown and Company, Boston, Toronto. 2. Moran Theodore H. , (1985). Multinational Corporations: The Political Economy of Foreign Direct Investment. Lexington Books. Toronto, Massachusetts. 3. Krugman and Obstfeld, International Economics: Theory and Policy, Addison Willey (1998). Paper 2. ECONOMETRICS: THEORY AND APPLICATIONS Topic 1:Introduction Definition and scope of econometrics, Econometric models vs. Statistical models Ingredients of econometric modeling Specification, estimation, verification or evaluation and forecasting. Topic 2:The Classical Linear Regression Model (a)The Simple Linear Regression Model (SLRM) Estimation of SLRM by Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) Interpretation of Estimated Coefficients and their Economic Meanings. (b)The Multiple Linear Regression Model (MLRM) Estimation of MLR model by OLS and its assumptions Interpretation of estimated coefficients and their economic meanings, Computation of elasticities and standardized coefficients Using R2 as a measure of ‘Goodness of Fit’ and some roblems with its use. (c)The General Linear Regression Model (GLRM) Estimation of GLRM by OLS through Matrix Approach Var-Cov matrix of estimated coefficients. (d)Evaluating an Estimated Linear Regression Model Testing the significance of individual coefficients. Testing the significance of the model as a whole. Topic : 3 Multicollinearety What is Multicollinearety? Distinction between perfect Multicollinearety and less than perfect Multicollinearety (Multicollinearety problem). Consequences of Multicollinearety problem, methods for detection of Multicollinearety problem. Remedial measures for Multicollinearety problem. Topic: 4 Heteroskedasticity What is Heteroskedasticity and what are its causes? Consequences of Heteroskedasticity for OLS estimation. Methods for detection of Heteroskedasticity. Remedial measures for Heteroskedasticity. Topic: 5 Autocorrelation What is Autocorrelation and its Causes? Consequences of Autocorrelation for OLS estimation. Methods for detection of Autocorrelation. Remedial measures for Autocorrelation. Topic 6:Forecasting with a Single Equation Regression Model What is forecasting and what are its various types? Important features of a good forecast. Variance of unconditional forecast error. Variance of conditional forecast error. Measures for evaluating the forecasting power of a model. Topic 7: Errors in Variables, Time as a Variable, Dummy Variables, Grouped Data, Lagged and Distributed-Lag Variables Errors in variables. Time as a variable. Dummy variables. Estimation from grouped data. Exogenous lagged variables. Endogenous lagged variables. Methods of estimation of lagged models. Topic 8: Identification The problems of identification. Implications of the identification state of a model. Formal rules for identification. Identifying restrictions. Tests for identifying restrictions. Identification and Multicollinearity. Topic 9:Simultaneous Equations Models Why Simultaneous Equation Models? Various Types of simultaneous equation Models. The identification problem. Checking the identification state of a model or of a particular equation in the model by Order Condition, bogus equation and reduced from approaches. Identification and methods of estimation. Topic 10:Consistent Estimation of Parameters of Simultaneous Equations Models Indirect Least Square Estimation. Two-stage Least Squares Estimation. Instrumental variables method of estimation. Topic 11:Varying Coefficient Models: Causes of Coefficient Variation. Randomly Varying Coefficient Models. Systematically Varying Coefficient Models. Topic 12:Time Series Econometrics ARIMA Models. Comparison of forecasts based on ARIMA and Regression Models. Unit Roots and Co-integration. Dummy Trap and its detection. Suggested Books: 1. Gujrati, D. Basic Econometrics , 3rd Edition, † McGraw Hill, 1993 2. IntrilligatorEconometric Model, Techniques and Applications, N. J. Printice Hall, 1978 . 3. Johnston, J. Econometric Models, McGraw Hill, 1984 4. Koutsoyiannis, A. Theory of Econometrics, McMillan, 1978 5. Maddala, J. S. Econometrics, McGraw Hill, New York, 1978 6. Wonnacot, R. J. Econometrics, John Wiley, New York Wonnacot, E. 7. Madnani, G. M. KIntroduction to Econometrics Principles and Applications, (Latest Edition) 8. Pindyck Econometric Models Economic Forecasts, 3rd RubenfeldEdition, McGraw Hill Inc. 1992. 9. Maddala, J. Kim Unit Roots, Co-integration and Structural Change, Cambridge University Press, 1998. 10. Griffiths, Judge, The Theory and Practice of Econometrics, John Willey and Sons, Latest edition. Research Articles: 1. Abadir (2002) Notation in Econometrics: a proposal for a standard. Econometric Journal, Vol. 5, issue 1, pages 76-96. 2. Abadir and Jan R. Magnum (1993) OLS Bias in a Nonstationary Autogregression, Econometric Theory, Vol. 9, issue 1, pages 81-93. 3. Don Andrews (2003). A Bias-Reduced Log-Periodogram Regression Estimator for the Long Run, Memory Parameter, Econometrica, 71, (2), 675-712. 4. Gunnar, Bardsen, (1999), Economic theory and econometric dynamics in modeling wages and prices in the United Kingdom, Empirical Economics, 24, (3), 483-507. 5. Joshua, Angrist, (2001), Estimation of Limited Dependent Variable Models with Dummy Endogenous Regressors: Simple strategies for Empirical practice. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 19, (1), 2-16. 6. Luc, Bauwens, (1994), Estimating End Use Demand: A Bayesian Approach. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 12, (2), 221-31. 7. Manuel, Arellano, (1992), Female Labour Supply and On-the –Job Search: An Empirical Model Estimated Using Complementary Data Sets. Review of Economic Studies, 59, (3), 537-59. 8. Stephen, Roy, Bonal, (1991), Some Tests of specification for Panel Data: Monte Carlo Evidence and an Application to Employment Equation. Review of Economic Studies, 58 (2), 277-97. Paper 3. DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS: THEORY AND POLICY Note: Students are expected to study latest editions of the recommended books. At least two research papers pertaining to each topic must be comprehended. Each topic must be prepared and analyzed critically. Any aspect of the topics may be asked in the examination. The course content provides a guideline. Students must prepare critical review of topics. Part: A Theoretical Foundations and Sector Specific Issues: Topic: 1 Scope and New Developments Definitions: Economic Development and Growth, Identification of Development variables. Scope and Significance of Development Economics. Characteristics of LDC’s. Measurement of Economic Development and Growth. Per Capita Income approach, Quality of Life Index / HDI etc. Historical overview of world development and emerging major issues pertaining to Less Developed Countries (LDC’s). Why the whole world is not developed? Topic: 2 Major Theories of Development – Classical and Neo-classical Theories, Adam Smith and Competitive Capitalism, Vicious Circle of Poverty, Stages of Economic Growth, Balanced and Unbalanced Growth, Big Push Theory. Dependency Theory, Structuralist’s View Point. Endogenous Growth Theory: New growth Theory. Income Convergence/ Divergence, New Growth Theory. Market Friendly Approach. Topic: 3 Agriculture and Industry Agriculture vs. Industry: Development Debate. Lewis’ Model of surplus Labor. Rains’ Fei Model and its critical review. Transforming Agriculture, Underemployment problem. Role of Agriculture: Market for Industrial Output, Provision of Input, food, Complementarity, productivity growth. Terms of Trade Issue and Subsidies, etc. and Competitiveness. Land Holdings, Green Revolution and it’s Performance. Need for Industrialization. Industrialization and its financing mechanism. Problem of Sectoral Dualism. Why Green Revolution? The Spread of Green Revolution in Pakistan and its Status / Contributions. Topic: 4 Population, Education and Human Capital Demographic Transition, Human Resources as a source of growth and their contributions. Investment in education and returns. Models of Employment Unemployment: Time Criterion, Productivity Criterion and New Index etc. , and Employment generation Strategies/Techniques. Part B: International Development Issues and Debates Topic: 5 International Debt, Aid / Assistance Why international borrowing? Two Gap Model, Aid commitments and disbursement. Sources of borrowing. Debt Cycle Theory/Stages. Debt Burden: Debt Servicing, Debt laffer Curve, Debt buy back etc. Latin American Debt Crises, ASEAN Crises, Debt Problem of LDC’s and South Asia, Debt Overhang and threat to growth. Policies to combat debt problem: Forecasting debt and solution for debt burden, saving mobilization/Domestic resource mobilization, Debt rescheduling etc. Debt Modeling and Forecasting Futur e Implication. Topic: 6 WTO, Liberalization and International Trade Trade vs. Aid. Liberalization of Trade and its impacts/gains etc. , Foreign Exchange Constraints and Balance of Payment deficit. Role of GATT and its Failure. WTO and LDC’s. Trade Instability, Distribution of gains from Trade liberalization. Regional Trade Associations (RTA’s): their role and contributions. Basis for trade and benefits: Gains from Trade: Static and Dynamic Gains. Comparative Advantage, Revealed Comparative Advantage and Competitiveness. Trade as an engine of growth. Product Cycle. Determinants of exports growth. Transfer of Technology: Sources Need. Technology Centered Development and Appropriate technology issue. Topic: 7 Transnational Corporations (TNC’S), FDI and Development Transnational Corporations (TNC’s): Objectives, Role and Contributions, Long term cost of TNC’s. Transfer of Technology: Ways and Means. Global integrated production system: TNC’s and Globalization, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Its Determinants/Role. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and TNC’s. Flow of FDI and its contributions. Topic: 8 Poverty and Income Distribution Definitions and Measurement of Poverty/Poverty Line. Poverty concepts/definitions. Absolute Poverty, Relative Poverty, Income approach, Expenditure approach, Basic needs approach, Poverty of Opportunities Index (POPI) and Calorie-based approach etc. Poverty Indicators. Poverty by socio-economic groups. Sources, impacts and policies to combat poverty. Strategies and tools to combat poverty. Growth and Income Inequality in the world. Empirical evidences on poverty. Redistribution with growth. How to combat income inequality. Basic Needs, Social Action Programs and Poverty alleviation. Topic: 9 Environment and Development Model of Environment and Economic Activity. Market Based Approach and Externalities. Deforestation and Renewable Resources, Measuring environment values. Deforestation and Macroeconomic Environment. Industrialization and its environmental cost, Use of Pesticides and Environmental Impacts. Natural resources degradation. Cost of Pollutions/Environmental degradation. International awareness about environment, production and need for Reforms. Economic thoughts and Environment. International Agencies: Environmental concerns and programs. Urbanization and environmental issues. Sustained development, Ecology and economic progress. Topic: 10 Growth Models Harrod-Domer Model, Technical Change and growth Model, Kaldor’s Model of Distribution, Joan Robinson’s Model of capital accumulation, Model of Steady State Growth. Saving-Investment and Golden Rules. Recommended Books: 1. Balasubramanyam V. and Lall, S. (1992, eds), Current Issues in Development Economics. McMillan , London. 2. Chaudhary M. Aslam and Hamid, A. , (1999). Human Resource Development and Management in Pakistan. Ferozsons, Lahore. 3. Chenery H. B. and Srinivasen. Hand Book of Development Economics,* vol. I II, Amsterdam (1988, eds. ). North Holland. 4. Cypher J. M. and Dietz James L. , (2004), The Process of Economic Development, Routledge. Tayl or Francis Group, London/New York. 5. Ghatak Subarta, (2003), Introduction to Development Economics, Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, London/New York. 6. Herrick B. and Kindleberger C. , (latest eds. ). Economic Development. McMillan, New York. 7. Hirshman A. O. , (1960). Strategy of Economic Development, Yale University, Press. 8. Jones H. G. , An Introduction to Modern Theories of Economic Growth, (Latest Edition), McGraw Hills. 9. Mahboob-ul-Haq Center for Human Development (MHCHD). Human Development in South Asia, Annual Reports, Islamabad. 10. ————- (1999), A Profile of Poverty In Pakistan, (In Collaboration with UNDP). 11. Meier Gerald M. Leading Issues in Economic Development, (Latest Issue), Oxford University Press. 12. Thirlwall, A. P. , (2003), Growth and Development, With Special Reference to Developing Economies 7th edition, Palgrave Publisher. 13. Todaro M. P. , Economic Development in the third World. Latest Edition, Heinemann, Londo n. 14. UNDP, Human Development Reports , Annual Reports. 15. Van Den Berg H. , (2001), Economic Growth and Development,* McGraw Hills. 16. William, Easterly, Growth without Development, A Case Study of Pakistan, World Bank. 17. World Bank, World Development Reports, Annual reports, 1986, 1987, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1994, 1995, 1998/99, 2000/2001 and 2004. 18. Yotopolous Pan A. and Nugent Jeffery B. Economics of Development, Empirical Investigation (Latest Issue). Harper and Row Publishers, London/New York. Paper 4: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Importance of Research Methodologies. Research techniques in social sciences and their limitations. Theory and basis of research. Empirical and theoretical research. Stages of research process. Identification of problem/issue, data, theory and estimation and related problems. Thinking, Field Research Designs; the process of field research, Exploratory Research, Casual Inference. Methods of communication in survey. Vision survey and communication technique s. Art of asking questions and getting quality information. Preparation of Research Proposal Questionnaire, Sample Design; the Nature of Sampling, Measurement and Scaling; Measurement, Measurement Scales, the Characteristics of Sound Measurement, the Development of Measurement Tools, Scaling, the Nature of Scaling, Response Methods, Scale Construction. Data Collection Methods, Survey Instruments and Field Procedures; Survey Instrument Designs, the Survey Situations, the Instrument Development Process, Questionnaire Development, Field Procedures, Personal Interviewing, Telephone Interviewing, Interviewing by mail, observations. Data collection, Observation, Experimentation and Simulations; Experimentation and Simulation. Choice of Research Technique, Experimental Research Design, Simulation, Observation, Observation Designs. Use of Secondary Data; the Nature of Secondary Data Sources, the Use of Secondary Data, Types of Secondary Data Sources, Statistical Sources, Data Research Procedures, Evaluating Secondary Data. Vision Survey: Interpretation of Replies. Data Presentation and Analysis: Elements of Analysis, Data Preparation, Special Data Problem, Tabulation, Data Presentation, and Data Analysis. Report Writing; the Questions and analysis of Research Proposal. Organization of Research Paper. How to format and Write country Research Report. Executive summary and abstract of a report. Conclusion and its basis. Evaluation of Research Work. The Research Report, Research Report Format, Writing and editing of research Report. Recommended Books: 1. Birchenhall C. and Grout P. , (latest edition), Mathematics for Modern Economics, Herifaq Publishers, New Delhi. 2. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Holt-Sounders Japan Ltd. Tokyo (Latest edition). 3. Johnson, Glenew Research Methodology for Economists: Philosophy and Practice, McMillan Publishing Co. (Latest edition). 4. Kidder Louise H. , Research Methods in Social Relations. 5. Lambert, P. , (1985) Advanced Mathematics for Economists. Static and Dynamic Optimization, Basil Black Well. 6. Neuman W. Lawrence, (1997) Social Research Methods, Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches, Allyn and Bacon; Boston. 7. Sckaran Business Research Methods 8. Uma, Sekarn, (1992), Research Methods for Business. A Skill Building Approach, John Willey Sons, Inc. 9. Young Pauline V. , (latest edition), Scientific Social Survey and Research, Prentice Hall Inc. 10. Zikmund William, G. , (1994), Business Research Methods, The drydem Press. OPTIONAL PAPERS Paper 5. 1: ADVANCED MATHEMATICAL ECONOMICS Topic 1:Complex Number and Circular Functions Imaginary and Complex Numbers. Complex Roots. Circular Functions. Properties of Sine Cosine functions. Eular Relations. Alternative Representation of Complex Numbers. Topic 2:Integral Calculus Dynamics and Integration. The Nature of Indefinite Integrals, Basic Rules of Integrations Rules of Operation. The Substitution Rule and the Rule of Integration by Parts. Definite Integrals. Major Properties of Definite Integral. A Definite Integral as an Area Under a Curve. Improper Integrals. Economic Applications of Integrals – Finding Total Functions from Marginal Functions, Investment Capital Formation, Present Value of Cash Flow. Present Value of a Perpetual Flow, Domar Growth Model. Topic 3:Differential Equations: Continuous Time: First Order Linear Differential Equations Meaning and Definition; Homogenous non-Homogenous Cases. Solution of First Order Linear Differential Equation with Constant Coefficient Constant Term and its Verification. Economic Application: Dynamics of Market Price. Solution and its Verification of First Order Differential Equation with Variable Coefficient and Variable Term. Exact Differential Equation, its Solution and Verification. Non-linear Differential Equations of the First Order and First Degree. Bernoulli Equation, Separable Variables. The Qualitative Graphic Approach. Concept of Phase Diagram, types of Time Paths and their Dynamic Stability. Economic Application: Solow Growth Model. Topic: 4 Differential Equations: Higher Order Differential Equations Solution and Verification of Second order Linear Differential Equations with Constant Coefficient and Constant term-Distinct Real Roots, Repeated Real Roots and Complex Root Cases. Dynamic Stability of Equilibrium. Economic Applications. A Market Model with Price Expectations. The Interaction of Inflation and Unemployment. Solution of Higher order Differential Equations with Constant Coefficient and Constant Term. Convergence and the Routh Theorem. Topic 5:Difference Equations; Discrete Time: First Order Difference Equations Solution and its Verification of First Order Difference Equations. The Dynamic Stability of Equilibrium. Economic Applications – The Cobweb Model, A Market Model with Inventory. Nonlinear Difference Equations – The Qualitative-Graphic Approach. Phase Diagrams Types of Time Path. A Market with a Price Ceiling. Topic: 6 Higher Order Difference Equations Solution and Verification of Second-Order Linear Difference Equations with Constant Coefficients and Constant Term-Distinct Real Roots, Repeated Real Roots and Complex Roots cases. The Convergence of the Time Path. Economic Applications, Samuelson Multiplier-Acceleration Interaction Model. Inflation and Unemployment in Discrete Time. Higher Order Linear Difference Equations and their Solutions. Convergence and Schur Theorem Again. The Solution of Simultaneous Differential Equations. Topic 7:Non-Linear Programming The Nature of Non Linear Programming Non-Linearities in Economics. Kuhn Tucker Condition. Interpretation of Kuhn Tucker Condition. Kuhn Tucker Sufficiency Theorem: Concave Programming. Arrow Enthoven Sufficiency Theorem: Quasiconcave Programming. Economic Application-Utility Maximization, Least Cost Combination. Solving a Nonlinear Program via the Kuhn-Tucker Conditions. Recommended Books: 1. Chiang A. C. Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics McGraw Hill (3rd Edition) 1984. 2. Dowling Edward T. Mathematics for Economics Schaum Series, 1981. 3. Glass Colin J. An introduction to Mathematical Methods in Economics McGraw Hill. 4. Haung David, S. , Introduction to the set of Mathematics in Economic Analysis Graphical Approach, Simplex Method, Economic Application of linear Programming N-Y John Wiley and Sons, latest edition. 5. Hoy M. , Livermois J, Rees R, Stengos T. , Mathematic for Economics, 1996. Addison0Wesley Publishers limited. 6. Weber E. Jean, Mathematical Analysis, Business and Economic Application (latest edition), Harper and Row Publishers, New York. 7. Yamene, Taro, Mathematics for Economists, Prentice Hall, latest edition. Additional Readings: 1. Allen R. G. D. , Mathematical Economics, London, Macmillan English Language Book Society. 2. Edey Peacock, National Income and Social Accounting London, Hutxchinson University Library, 3rd Edition. Paper 5. 2: APPLIED ECONOMICS AND COMPUTER APPLICATION Topic 1:Introduction to Windows 2000 and Ms-Word Operating System, Performance Management, Desktop Management, Printer Management, Internet Explorer, E-mail. MS-Word, using Advanced Formatting Features, Sharing data with Word, Word Macros, Composing Models and Mathematical Equations. Topic 2:PowerPoint and MS-Access (XP) Database Concepts, File Linkages, Data Retrieval, Data Editing / Updating. Data Transferring. Topic 3:SPSS and E-View Menu, Tool Bars, File Linkages, Dialog Boxes. Data Analysis, Analysis of Variance. Simple and Multiple Regression Analysis, Formatting Reports, Creation and Modification of Chart, Line Area and Pie Chart. Output Navigator Printing, Data Editor Printing, Command Syntax Printing. Use of E-view for Model Estimation. Topic 4:Estimation of Production Function Use of Computer, SPSS, E-View to Estimate Production Functions. Cob-Douglas Production Function, Constant Elasticity Production Function etc. Topic 5:Computer Applications: Demand – Supply Equilibrium Estimation of Demand and Supply using E How to cite Hkhkhk, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Negritude Movement Sample Essay Example For Students

Negritude Movement Sample Essay During the Negritude Movement. poets had many different ways to show what they thought about faith and races. These poets used their verse forms to show how they felt about these subjects. Guy Tirolien and Bernard Dadie used their poesy to show their religion in the Lord and what they thought he could make to impact lives. This is shown in the verse forms â€Å"A Little Black Boy’s Prayer† and â€Å"I Thank You. Lord. † In both Negritude verse form. the chief character is speaking to the same individual and besides giving recognition to that individual for doing their lives the manner they are. In both Tirolien’s and Dadie’s verse forms. the character is speaking to the Lord. In â€Å"A Little Black Boy’s Prayer. † the male child says. â€Å"Lord. I don’t want to travel to their school any longer. † ( Tirolien lines 5. 20 ) This is of import to the verse form because it shows that he non merely believes in God. but he besides communicates to the Lord. He is speaking to the Lord and stating him about everything he does non wish about the new school he is go toing. Likewise. in â€Å"I Thank You. Lord. † the chief character is besides talking to the Lord. We know this non merely from the rubric of the verse form. but besides when he says. in the gap line. â€Å"I thank you. Lord. for doing me Black. † ( Dadie line 1 ) . In both of these verse for ms. the Lord is recognized for being responsible for what the characters have and besides being capable of altering what they have. In â€Å"A Little Black Boy’s Prayer. † the male child knows that the Lord is responsible for what he has and when he wants to alter it that is why he prays to God. He says to the Lord. â€Å"Fix it. delight. so I don’t have to. † ( Tirolien 6. 21 ) . He believes that the Lord is able to repair his jobs so he prays to him in hopes that his jobs will be solved. Like the male child in that verse form. the male child in â€Å"I Thank You. Lord† besides recognizes what the Godhead does. He is able to recognize that what he has is because of the Lord. The male child says. â€Å"For holding made me the amount of all heartaches. for holding put upon my caput the World. † ( Dadie 2-5 ) . He recognizes that the Lord gave him everything that he has and made him who he is. He does non desire anything to alter so he is non inquiring for a hole. but he knows that he is lucky to hold what he wants because of the Lord. Both of these similarities have to mak e with the Lord and faith which was of import to the Negritude poesy. Although there are similarities between these two verse forms. there are many differences every bit good. The biggest difference between these two is the attitude and tone of the male childs. In â€Å"A Little Black Boy’s Prayer. † the male child is non happy with his life and what is traveling on in it. The whole verse form is him inquiring the Lord to alter what he has. Multiple times throughout the verse form he says â€Å"I want†¦Ã¢â‚¬  ( Tirolien 7. 10. 12 ) . This shows he is non happy with what he has. He wants a alteration in his life and he wants that alteration to come from the Lord. Tirolien ends the verse form with â€Å"Lord. I don’t want no more school. † ( Tirolien 49 ) . The alteration that the male child is looking for from the Lord is to non hold to travel to school. He wants the alteration in his life to be that he gets to be back with the black people and non be in school with the white childs any longer. The male child from â₠¬Å"I Thank You. Lord. † nevertheless. has a different sentiment on his ain life. Not merely does he thank the Lord multiple times for holding made him black. he besides uses words like â€Å"content† ( Dadie 11 ) â€Å"satisfied† ( Dadie 14 ) and â€Å"pleased† ( Dadie 17 ) to depict how he feels about his life. He uses these words to demo what he is all right with on his organic structure and what each thing is made for. He has a much difference attitude about his life. Unlike the other male child. this boy likes everything that God has given him and he does non wish to alter it. or to hold god â€Å"fix it. † .ubec88be9f38b928ed80356b4afb181ae , .ubec88be9f38b928ed80356b4afb181ae .postImageUrl , .ubec88be9f38b928ed80356b4afb181ae .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ubec88be9f38b928ed80356b4afb181ae , .ubec88be9f38b928ed80356b4afb181ae:hover , .ubec88be9f38b928ed80356b4afb181ae:visited , .ubec88be9f38b928ed80356b4afb181ae:active { border:0!important; } .ubec88be9f38b928ed80356b4afb181ae .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ubec88be9f38b928ed80356b4afb181ae { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ubec88be9f38b928ed80356b4afb181ae:active , .ubec88be9f38b928ed80356b4afb181ae:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ubec88be9f38b928ed80356b4afb181ae .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ubec88be9f38b928ed80356b4afb181ae .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ubec88be9f38b928ed80356b4afb181ae .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ubec88be9f38b928ed80356b4afb181ae .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ubec88be9f38b928ed80356b4afb181ae:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ubec88be9f38b928ed80356b4afb181ae .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ubec88be9f38b928ed80356b4afb181ae .ubec88be9f38b928ed80356b4afb181ae-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ubec88be9f38b928ed80356b4afb181ae:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Bingo Long Traveling EssayBoth Tirolien and Dadie were able to show how they felt about the things discussed during the Negritude Movement. They used poesy to explicate their positions on the ideas of people during this motion.

Friday, November 29, 2019

The script of the Crucible Essay Example

The script of the Crucible Paper In The Crucible there are many highly dramatic scenes where Miller creates a great deal of tension and emotion in the audience. Imagine you are directing a production of The Crucible. Describe how you would stage these scenes and how you would build up tension and emotion in your audience. The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, was written in America in the 1950s. It depicts an eye-opening analogy between the Salem witch-hunt in 1692 and the McCarthy communist trials in 1950s America. In fact, Miller used some of the exact recorded speech from the McCarthy trials in the script of The Crucible. While watching The Crucible the audience should remember that the people of Salem were devotedly puritan, and so anything that contradicted the commandments, or any part of the Bible would be heavily frowned upon. And so, within the context of the play, could be turned in to signs of witchcraft by people manipulating the truth. At the end of Act III Elizabeth denies that Proctor has had an affair after Proctor has admitted to it. If she tells the truth it would have cast strong doubts across Abigails accusations. Afterwards Hale- perhaps too late- tells the court he believes Proctor. Abigail, showing her ruthless resourcefulness again, pretends Mary is sending her spirit on her. Danforth believes her. Mary, due to the pressure from Danforth, the threat of death, and the girls hysteria accuses Proctor of witchcraft and returns to Abigail. Proctor and Giles are arrested at the end of the act. When Elizabeth is called in to the court I think she should be led in from the back of the auditorium, which will build up suspense and tension in the audience. We will write a custom essay sample on The script of the Crucible specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The script of the Crucible specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The script of the Crucible specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer I would group the girls on stage left, with Abigail slightly nearer the centre and facing back. The girls should stare wide-eyed at Elizabeth. Proctor should stand the mirrored position of Abigail, again facing back. Hale should be close to him, but further right, looking nervously, but slightly expectantly, at Elizabeth. This should show the audience how the pressure has all been shifted to Elizabeth. Danforth should stand down centre facing out, and when Elizabeth reaches the stage she should stand close in front of him facing towards him. This should create a dramatic triangle between Elizabeth, Proctor, and Abigail. This should symbolise Elizabeths dilemma. Whether to denounce Abigail and keep to her Christian convictions, or to save Johns name from shame. Elizabeth is called in to confirm Proctors claim that he and Abigail had an Affair. Proctor is certain she will tell the truth, as she never lies. He says that in her life she have never lied. This should create suspense in the audience, as they can sense Elizabeths dilemma, but know what John expects her to do. This is one of the points in the scene where one of the characters could have changed to outcome of the play. When Elizabeth denies her husband is a lecher replying timidly to Danforths ferocity No, sir I would have the whole court freeze except Elizabeth and a spotlight on her when she says the line No, sir, then instantly the lights should come back up, and the action continue. This should again build up huge tension in the audience in the wait for Elizabeths decision. When it comes the will be very taken aback, but will not be given time to recover as the action will continue quickly. The speed of Danforths reaction seems to suggest that this was the answer he wanted, as it is quick and dismissive of the appeals. This is shown as he immediately orders the Marshal to Remove her. This I think is because if she had not denied the affair it would have also left serious questions about Danforths skills of judgement. Hale then tells the court that he believe s Proctor and tells the court he has always struck me true. I think the audience would be thinking this has come too late. To emphasise this Danforth should ignore him, walking back to his bench, not even turning to say, she spoke nothing of lechery, and this man has lied. During this I would make Proctor place his head in his hands, and the girls passing very discreet smirks between one another. When Hale says [pointing at Abigail] This girl has always struck me false. She has- and Abigail cuts him off. Here we again see how Abigail uses her position of power in the court. She suddenly cuts in about the yellow bird saying You will not! Begone! Begone, I say! this suddenly draws attention away from the people who are doubting her.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Definition and Examples of Peer Response in Composition

Definition and Examples of Peer Response in Composition In composition studies, peer response is a form of collaborative learning in which writers meet (usually in small groups, either face-to-face or online) to respond to one anothers work. Also called peer review and peer feedback.In Steps to Writing Well (2011), Jean Wyrick summarizes the nature and purpose of peer response in an academic setting: By offering reactions, suggestions, and questions (not to mention moral support), your classroom colleagues may become some of your best writing teachers. The pedagogy of student collaboration and peer response has been an established field in composition studies since the late 1970s. See the observations below. Also see: Collaborative WritingAudienceAudience AnalysisAudience Analysis ChecklistFeedbackHolistic GradingImplied AudienceOnline Journals for Composition InstructorsRevisionWriting CenterWriting PortfolioWriting Process Observations The teacherless writing class . . . tries to take you out of darkness and silence. It is a class of seven to twelve people. It meets at least once a week. Everyone reads everyone elses writing. Everyone tries to give each writer a sense of how his words were experienced. The goal is for the writer to come as close as possible to being able to see and experience his own words through seven or more people. Thats all.(Peter Elbow, Writing Without Teachers. Oxford University Press, 1973; rev. ed. 1998)Writing collaboratively has all the characteristics that theorists of cognitive development maintain are essential for the intellectual commitments of adulthood: The experience is personal. The response groups promote intellectual risk-taking within a community of support. They allow students to focus on issues that invite the application of academic knowledge to significant human problems. Thinking and writing are grounded in discussion and debate. Reading and responding to peers writing a sks for interpersonal and personal resolution of multiple frames of reference. In this sense, collaborative writing courses at all levels provide an essential opportunity to practice becoming members of an intellectual, adult community.(Karen I. Spear, Peer Response Groups in Action: Writing Together in Secondary Schools. Boynton/Cook, 1993) Peer Review Guidelines for the ReviewerIf you are the reviewer, remember that the writer has spent a long time on this work and is looking to you for constructive help, not negative comments. . . . In that spirit, offer suggestions about how to revise some of the awkward places, rather than merely listing them. Instead of saying This opener doesnt work! indicate why it doesnt work and offer possible alternatives. . . .It is also important that you try to read the piece from the point of view of the intended audience. Do not try to reformulate a technical report into a novel or vice versa. . . .As you read, make no comments to the authorsave them for later. If you need to ask the writer for clarification of the prose, that is likely a flaw in the writing and needs to be noted for discussion after you have finished reading the entire piece.(Kristin R. Woolever, About Writing: A Rhetoric for Advanced Writers. Wadsworth, 1991)Students gain confidence, perspective, and critical thinking s kills from being able to read texts by peers on similar tasks. Students get more feedback on their writing than they could from the teacher alone.Students get feedback from a more diverse audience bringing multiple perspectives.Students receive feedback from nonexpert readers on ways in which their texts are unclear as to ideas and language.Peer review activities build a sense of classroom community.Benefits and Pitfalls of Peer Response[A] number of practical benefits of peer response for L2 [second-language] writers have been suggested by various authors:On the other hand, researchers, teachers, and student writers themselves have identified potential and actual problems with peer response. The most prominent complaints are that student writers do not know what to look for in their peers writing and do not give specific, helpful feedback, that they are either too harsh or too complimentary in making comments, and that peer feedback activities take up too much classroom time (or the corollary complaint that not enough time is allotted by teache rs and the students feel rushed).(Dana Ferris, Response to Student Writing: Implications for Second Language Students. Lawrence Erlbaum, 2003) Also Known As: peer feedback, peer review, collaboration, peer criticism, peer evaluation, peer critique

Friday, November 22, 2019

Case Study Doing Business In China Marketing Essay

Case Study Doing Business In China Marketing Essay Although the times have changed, the citizens of the United States cannot help but recollect on the history of an unstable political system, corruption, environmental degradation, the lack of intellectual property protection and last, but not least, a variety of different cultures in the far East; so with that said, why would any American business organization want to pursue business in China? What was once a small-town audio store called Sounds of Music had an epiphany back in 1966 that has currently yielded pay dirt. Nearly twenty years later, Sounds of Music transformed into an electronic conglomerate known as Best Buy Inc, Co. This S & P Fortune 500 company is currently known as the largest consumer electronics retailer in the United States. Best Buy chose to pursue this â€Å"uphill battle† due to the fact that it was near impossible for them to ignore their ever growing free market economy and the urbanization that is taking place within it. Best Buy is sophisticated en ough to distinguish between what makes them profitable within the United States and what will make them unsuccessful in other parts of the world, in particular to this study, China. In order to truly understand China and the complexities of expanding there, one must know how to do business in China. It may sound implausible to the average domestic business man/woman to think there is much of a difference in doing business in China, than what it is here in the United States, but it is indeed a credible fact. Developing a SWOT analysis could aid in the many challenges of trying to conduct business in China, but this evaluative method doesn’t change intangible circumstances such as time and return on investment. Best Buy had both of these conditions present during their feasibility study. Realizing the opportunistic possibilities and competitive advantage of the situation, Best Buy didn’t hesitate to conduct thorough due diligence before doing business in China. This pape r will discuss some of the important aspects of their research as it covers the basic understanding of doing business in China and how Best Buy emerged from being just a face in the crowd to achieving commendable status in Shanghai, China. This report will elaborate on Best Buy’s experience as they try to tap into a foreign market for the first time ever knowing that the potential risk could be irreversibly negative. Best Buy Inc, plans to prove that it is indeed possible to enter into the Chinese Market for consumer electronics. Best Buy announced on April 1, 2006 that they would be opening their first branded store in China. Best Buy did not just enter the market but they were wise about it as well. They wanted to hedge the risks involved in any possible way. On May 12, 2006, the company made a purchase of a majority stake in Jiangsu Five Star, which is the fourth biggest Chinese appliance and electronics retailer. By purchasing this majority stake, Best Buy saved a tremend ous amount of time that is necessarily needed to create a comparable sized organization through grown. They now had their presence in China in 136 stores, as well as the close to 1,000 stores that they have successfully opened in both the United States and Canada. The purchase of this stake also helped Best Buy get a feel of what Chinese customer’s needs and wants were.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Part of PR plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Part of PR plan - Assignment Example The organization is partially funded by the county’s department of health and human services, the administrative office of the courts and the governor’s office of the crime control and prevention. Approximately half of the operating budget is acquired through raising money from foundations, community organizations and corporate and individual contributions. The money however may not be sufficient as records show that approximately 570,000 children are removed from their homes each year and placed under foster care (Melanie, 2006). The organization should source funds from other organizations so as to be able to operate within their budget. They can get funds from organizations such as Chipotle to acquire charitable funds. This organization supports nonprofit organizations through a number of ways such as in restaurant fundraisers, donations in kind and through their scrip program (Moi, 2006). In restaurant fundraisers has been applied in schools. For instance there is a school that distributes students with a piece of paper that has an advert of a restaurant whereby parents are required to go and eat at least once after which they show the paper to the cashier who then channels the money to the school as donation (Gordon Averill, 2011). The organization can apply this strategy in its operation so as to raise funds to be able to sustain the operations. The organization can also purchase gift cards on discount from Chipotle and resale them to customers after which the difference can be used as donation to this organization (Melanie, 2006). Casa of Montgomery is eligible to apply for this programmes at Chipotle as their operations meet the requirements