Friday, May 22, 2020

Essay on Justification of Hamlets Sanity in...

Shakespeares play Hamlet is about a complex protagonist, Hamlet, who faces adversity and is destined to murder the individual who killed his father. Hamlet is a character who although his actions and emotions may be one of an insane person, in the beginning of the book it is clear that Hamlet decides to fake madness in order for his plan to succeed in killing Claudius. Hamlet is sane because throughout the play he only acts crazy in front of certain people, to others he acts properly and displays proper prince like behavior who is able to cope with them without sounding crazy, and even after everything that has been going on in his life he is able to take revenge by killing his fathers murderer. In the play Hamlet by William†¦show more content†¦After this scene Hamlet acts insane and he often criticizes his mother for remarrying and even insults her, but gets away with his actions because at this point those around him are starting to believe there is something wrong with Hamlet. Hamlet is not crazy but if he were truly crazy then he would not internally realize that he is mad, a crazy person usually doesnt realize they are going crazy, but it is others who realize because of his or her actions. In Hamlets case, Hamlet knows he is crazy and his acting is beneficial for him because he is able to talk freely without having to hold anything back. If Hamlet were truly insane it would have caused him his own death, because usually when an individual is insane they are unaware of what they are saying and their actions are usually always made hastily, a quality that Hamlet does not seem to have. When Hamlet is in the presence of certain people he acts differently, he acts like any other normal individual, he is smart, is able to thoroughly think every plan or idea he has and he is fully aware of his surroundings. Although he tends to procrastinate he is able to follow through with his plans, instead of saying one thing and doing another. An example is when Hamlet saves his life on board with pirates by thinking quickly and mostShow MoreRelatedHamlet, By William Shakespeare1640 Words   |  7 Pages Shakespeare’s play Hamlet is one of the most important works of literature ever published, evidenced by the fact that it explores several themes still relevant almost 400 years later—namely the affect insanity can have; not only on one person, but everyone involved in that person’s life. The play takes place shortly after the death of Denmark’s former king, King Hamlet, and follows his son, Prince Hamlet, as he attempts to avenge his father’s death. Although early in the play Hamlet tells his friendsRead MoreHamlet Needs Horatio and Ophelia Essay1326 Words   |  6 Pagesfunctions in the play. Horatio is used as a foil for Hamlet, the person to whom Hamlet can discuss his course of action and act like his true self. Ophelia, however, has a major role that is not initially evident. 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