Friday, May 8, 2020

The Epic Poem Of Troy - 1356 Words

The Ancient Greek History is famous for its many fascinating civilization and great heroic people surrounding the history. Iliad portrays the siege of a dynamic ancient Greek epic poem of Troy, which is attributed to Homer. Adventurous and braveness with god-like qualities is used to describe the ancient classic Greek heroes in this poem. Iliad is now known as one of the aged surviving ancient Greek epic poems, which directly relates to the events near the end of Trojan War. Heroic figures are considered important in Greek history due to some qualities included; having one immortal parent, born into royalty, having an unusual birth, being favored by the gods, marrying a princess, becoming a subject of a prophecy, and dying an ignoble or unpardonable death. The heroes’ in the Iliad poem can attest for many of these attributes. Emphasis on Iliad depicted how the ancient Greeks celebrate wars. Realities of the war were never ignored; their men died ferociously whiles their women became slaves or courtesan. Heroes in Iliad also chose soldierly exaltation or honor over the life of their families. Hector and Achilles who were the classic hero characters in the test valued their braveness, nobleness, fame and integrity and made a voluntarily sacrifice to be in war rather than to live with their families and those they love. The author’s detailing imagery in the Iliad gave emphasis on how â€Å"arà ªte† meaning the pursuit of excellence or moral goodnessShow MoreRelatedSimilarities Between The And The Epic Of The Iliad1570 Words   |  7 Pageshousands of years that the epic story the Iliad has survived, which is credited to the famous Greek poet, Homer. In the 2004 film Troy, directed by Wolfgang Peterson, the plot resembles and is based from the epic poem, the Iliad. 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